No Exams – No Essays

Are staff/students required to take an exam or write an academic essay?

No. There is no exam or essay to be undertaken, so staff/students need not feel threatened by our training. Units are suitable for people from any background and they just need to be interested in the topics. However, before certificates can be given or registration can take place, students are required to show evidence of learning.

This will be through teacher observation and completion of workbooks that are returned to our centre for checking. They are then kept safe and shown to AQA inspectors upon request. Our decision to use AQA and workbook assessment is because we would rather encourage our students to spend their time thinking about what they have been taught and use this to look for correct answers to scenarios posed, than worry about how to write an academic, referenced essay. We prefer our students to enjoy learning about the subject before them, rather than worry about how to write an essay.

We believe that academic essays merely prove that someone can write an essay to a prescribed format and not that they necessarily understand the wide range of what they are being taught during their learning experience. Using this approach, we can check their understanding of each element covered within their training.


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